Spinal surgery otherwise known as back surgery can be classified into three categories that include laminectomy, discectomy, and spinal fission. The laminectomy surgery involves the removal of part of the bone known as lamina to help in the relieving of nerve compression, which helps in reduction of pressure and the relieving of pain. Similarly, a discectomy surgery also involves removal of a portion of the disc in the spine to reduce stress on the underlying bones. Lastly, the spinal fusion surgery is where there is a permanent fusion of small pieces of bone collected from either one’s pelvic or hip bone to join the vertebrae column. Also, other than using the small pieces of bones to fuse the vertebrae, the spinal fusion surgery involves usage of rods, metal cages, wires, screws, or plates in most of its cases to provide stability.
Further, while there are benefits of having the spine surgery for corrective measures, there are also dangers and complications that could arise from the same. In fact, any surgery conducted carries with it the un-avoided risk to potential infections caused by operations. The spinal cord surgery is no different where it is especially sensitive as it is part of the Central Nervous System (CNS) that could potentially cause serious complications should they occur. This is because some of the problems that may arise after the surgery could lead to additional operations to correct the previous surgery if there is pain or impairment during the healing period. It is, therefore, advisable to discuss in details about the risks associated with spine surgery with your progressive spine & orthopaedics surgeon to get informed before undergoing the spine surgery.
About Dangers and Complications Associated with Spinal Surgery
Whereas the spine surgery is done to improve the quality of life in patients, several complications may arise after the operation such as implant immigration, hardware fracture, infections, and lung problems and so on. The following compilation can shed more light on some of the dangers associated with spine surgery.
- Complications due to Anesthesia
Most surgeries performed require administering of anesthesia before conducting the surgical procedure so as not to feel pain during the operation. There are two kinds of anesthesia where they include the local and general anesthesia which involves injecting drugs that put the patient into total sleep while machines monitor and control your breathing. The anesthesia drugs may cause patients to have adverse side effects where some could even lead to lung infections.
- Lung Problems
Successful surgical procedures involve having good lung care to ensure the free flow of oxygen to tissues for faster healing. This is to avoid lung infections such as pneumonia where lungs may be temporary affected by the general anesthesia by failing to remove the fluids and mucus produced they produce, hence causing infections.
- Thrombophlebitis
After surgery, Thrombophlebitis is caused by clots formed when the body is healing as it fights to stop the bleeding caused by the operation. Individuals that have undergone surgery are, therefore, more prone to get clots where if they are not detected early they may cause a pulmonary embolism in the lungs, which is life-threatening.
- Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction may arise due to spine surgery if they happen to damage the nerves surrounding the spinal cord that connect the pelvic area. This is because the role of nerves is to send signals, which allow the body to respond to all sensations including sex.